1. Go to this site, and login to your dobnow build account
2. This link identifies the items NYS lists as essential services
3.Once logged in to the DOB NOW site click on the link for essential construction, and Click on + essential construction request.
4. Once you click on that link, this page opens, you will enter to dob job numbers being requested, as listed in the letter
5. After that a new screen will pop up on the left side it says general information, essential construction, documents, statements and signatures.
6. The second tab for essential construction asks you a few bullet point questions, and asks to add comments, you can either add comments, or just say please refer to attached letter
7. The third tab asks to upload docs, so you upload your letter here along with any other info you would like to submit
8. The last tab is asking for the architect to authorize the submission, once you do that it will submitted, and dob will review and follow up with an email to the applicant once approved, or rejected, if rejected, submit again using the same steps.