As of Dec 31st, all Mechanical work must comply with the 2014 New york City Mechanical Code
There are some exceptions for Mechanical work in Existing Buildings that is worth noting
Essentially new work must comply, but the existing systems do not need to comply.
28-101.4.3 – Optional use of 1968 (1938) Codes:
Exception 1: Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Plumbing
1.Fuel gas, plumbing and mechanical work.
The installation of and work on all appliances, equipment and systems regulated by the New York city fuel gas code, the New York city plumbing code and the New York city mechanical code shall be governed by applicable provisions of those codes relating to new and existing installations.
28-101.4.3 – Optional use of 1968 (1938) Codes:
Exception 1: Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Plumbing
“applicable provisions” of those codes:
Mechanical: MC 102.4
Fuel Gas: FGC 102.4
Plumbing: PC 102.4
102.4 Additions, alterations or repairs.
Additions, alterations, renovations or repairs to a mechanical system shall conform to requirements for a new mechanical system without requiring the existing mechanical system to comply with all of the requirements of this code. Additions, alterations or repairs shall not cause an existing mechanical system to become unsafe, hazardous or overloaded.