Architecture + Expediting MICHAEL ZENREICH ARCHITECT, PC

Architecture and Expediting

New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC) Exemption for Historical Districts

The New York City Department of Building enforces the 2016 NYC Energy Code for any work type where energy usage applies.  Exceptions are life safety items like Sprinklers and Fire Alarm, as well as buildings in Land-marked Districts.


If the building in question is in a designated historic district, the exception for 2016 NYCECC compliance applies. The Department of Buildings will accept verification from the Landmarks Preservation Commission noting that the property is a contributing building to the specific district.


We will have to present the Landmarks Preservation Commission with some basic research regarding the particular property in order to receive verification of contributing building.


We can file to bypass required items for energy inspections by noting the exemption option on the application.  The design applicant will not be required to identify that Energy Code inspections are required on the Technical report statement of responsibility.  Finally, an exemption memo from the Environmental Review Coordinator at Landmarks should be submitted to the Department of Buildings along with the application forms.

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